Tips For Healthy Weight Loss - A Carb Cycling Diet Can Work For You

There are two types of diets, ones that are designed to make money for the author or scientifically based ones. The "designer diets" often result in a rapid loss of weight which make people think that they are working but invariably the weight will go back on again at a later date.

Scientific based diets generally allow you to shed weight more slowly but you will lose weight over a longer time period and you are able to keep the weight off as they redefine your eating habits. One of the most successful ways of losing weight and keeping it off is by using a "carb cycling"diet.

The basis of a carb cycling diet is eating a regular amount of carbohydrates one day and then a lower amount the next. This has 2 positive effects on your body.

1. Your metabolism doesn't slow down. The problem with many diets is that they result in your metabolism slowing down to counteract the lack of calories. This is the opposite of what should be happening as you won't be burning as many calories with a slow metabolism.

2. On the days that you eat a reduced number of carbs your body will have a calorie deficit. So you will burn calories that are currently stored as fat.

As with all diets there are pros and cons. The difficult part of a carb rotation diet is keeping track of whether you are on a normal carb day or a low carb day. You also need to plan when you are going to eat the various carb types. If you are a bit scatterbrained like me I would suggest a carb plan stuck to the fridge door!

The positive side of a carb rotation diet is that it works really well and you don't need to go hungry or give up many of the food or food groups you like. You just need to plan a bit ahead and ensure you eat the right things on the right day.
